Augusts Club meeting is linning up to be the best meeting yet, so dont miss out. We will be Building Shelters and staying over night in them. So come on out and test your skills. Come and see what it really takes to build a shelter that will protect you from the elements.

When: August 23/24
Where: Cherry Creek
Directions: I-15 South to Nephi 2ed exit go west on 132 and turn right on Rte 1812 to (Little Sehara Sand Dunes) Cross over I-6 onto Jericho Callao Rd. follow road untill pavment ends. From pavment end continue two miles to cattel garud and major fork in the road go straight for four more miles untill four way intersection, turn right for two more miles and turn left. Left turn will be marked with Wild Jake's Flag. Get there as early as you can and bring your own food :) I have also included a map.
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